Upgrading destiny

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Destiny is to be upgraded to SuSE and at the same time have a new disk installed to give a bigger /scratch and /usr/local.

I will be withdrawing CRYSTAL98 and Portland versions less than 5.2. I will be adding gnuplot, svn, icc, and recent iforts.

I'd like to lose MPI from destiny. Athens is the place to run MPI.

I also intend to implement modules.

--Catherine 14:50, 28 March 2006 (BST)

Upgrading destiny was amazingly painless and only took two days.

The only problem so far has been that I had forgotten that the old destiny had an MPI library installed (a Debian package of LAM) and it seems that at least one person relied on this. This happened because I used a sword package list to produce the package list for the SuSE install, thinking they were the same.