IT Equipment wishlist

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Revision as of 08:27, 2 July 2008 by import>Cen1001
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  • replace all of the old printers in sector: four in student rooms.

The HP P3005x is about the same price as the Lexmark with equivalent specs- it's the smallest HP serious workgroup printer (the next one down only has 32Mb ram which isn't enough) and HP is a known quantity so I'd buy that rather than Lexmark. 440 plus vat for the DTN model. We'd want extra RAM which puts the price up.

Alternatively move eclipse to a student room and buy a p2015x (230 plus VAT) for 375 plus three workgroup machines.

  • replace all CRT monitors with 19" flat screens. There are 12 CRTs in student/postdoc/visitor rooms. Basic 19" Iiyama is 155ukp inc VAT so 1860ukp
  • replace dodgy chairs
  • replace some of the older workstations (basic model 450, performance model 900)

We have 35 32-bit machines and 25 64-bit. Machines most in need of replacement are:

    • Visitor machines, generally the oldest hardware we have (bari, ortega, saemdo, tantive, tea)
    • Sprik group (wine, seer, honey, vinegar). Also JC is using a visitor machine and could do with his own.
    • Hansen group (sarasota, discovery)
    • radiant (Alston)
    • SCA group (scree, sevenof9, lodestar)
    • Wales group (dougal, muse, dredd)
    • MV group (merlot, summa)
    • Other groups (bistromath, giant)
  • new backup server with greater capacity (8Tb pedestal) 3.5K inc VAT
  • file server (2x decent machines, about 6K)
  • laptop for loaning out to students for conferences (last time this was officially the COs' laptop but in practice was used as a loaner) 1K.