Departmental computing assets
Based on the listed of 'business-critical areas' circulated by CRC.
Value given is that of purchase price (please also give date of purchase), at least in the first instance!
- B95 Mid-sized room, currently houses 4 racks of network equipment
(incl. CS router, Departmental PoP and core switch, Firewall, Departmental web server and backup server. CUDN Granta Backbone access point.Chemistry CCTV Hub.
- G29 Small server/communications room off Accounts.
Contains communications rack (PWF Teaching switch), backup servers, Filemaker and Meeting Maker server.
- UB02 PoP for Unilever Centre network, including PWF (library,
cybercafe); UCC servers/clusters -,, Condor pool,, (,,,,,,; Theory Sector backup servers.
- G38 Smallish room, housing 2 large and 2 mid-sized racks. Odradek
cluster, Streamline Myrinet cluster, both rack-mounted.
- M25A Sword cluster. Rama cluster
- B108A (source room) UCC backup servers
- (Mek-quake Room) Mek-quake Sun Enterprise computer + controllers.
- 3.72 Athens cluster, Nemesis, Theory sector network
- 152A Density cluster
- G34A New cluster room being refurbished early 2005 that
will contain existing systems currently in: 137 (Poisedon cluster in mid-sized rack. 4-6 PC mini-tower machines acting as compute nodes. Backup server), 234 (Contains Group servers (2 SGI Origin 200, SGI Challenge 10000)), 265 (Zodiac cluster). Also new Dobson/ Wales/Vendruscolo Sun Cluster System. This room will need to be surveyed as it is undergoing a change of use.
- 14 Union Road Ground floor Communications Room. Sun Servers and
Communications for CAS and Atmospheric Research. Alarmed already.
- M18 Currently houses the departmental DNS, DHCP servers, Windows
AD service, Retrospect backup server.
- G30 PWF room. 25 Dell OptiPlex GX270 PCs plus 17" TFT monitors
- 154 PWF room. 10 Dell OptiPlex GX270 PCs plus 17" TFT monitors; HP4300 (?) printer
- Library PWF. 17 Dell OptiPlex GX270 PCs plus 17" TFT monitors; 8 G5 (?) iMacs; HP4300 printer
- Cybercafe PWF. 8 G5 (?) iMacs
- Chemical Information Laboratory (CIL) on UCC ground floor. 6 Dell OptiPlex GX270 PCs plus 17" TFT monitors
All of the above purchased Summer 2004 via HEFCE initiative.
- UG03 UCC training area. 25 P4-based Avantek PCs. Purchased April 2004 (ish).