CamCASP => Numerical Issues
This page contains information related to the numerical accuracy of CamCASP.
Integral Switch
Integrals can be calculated using density-fitting (the default). But for a few kinds of 2-index integrals (nuclear, overlap, etc.) there is the possibility of calculating them without density-fitting. This can often be advantageous, in fact, for nuclear and overlap integrals, this is probably the thing to do whenever you can.
The energy modules all have the optional command
INTEGRAL Switch = <switch>
that can be used to set the method used to calculate the integrals. In general, Switch = 0 means use density-fitting, and Switch = 1 means use the exact evaluation (no density-fitting) if possible. Not all integrals can be evaluated without density-fitting. See df_integrals.F90 for details.
The 4-index Coulomb integrals are robust (see Robust Integrals for details.). So these can be obtained quite accurately using density-fitting. In any case, there is no other way of calculating these integrals, so the Switch command has no effect on these.
On the other hand, the nuclear and overlap integrals are not robust when density-fitting is used (the error made in these integrals is linear in the error made in the density. So these should be evaluated using Switch = 1. This is not the default in version 5.4.00 of the code, so it needs to be put in manually.
Here are some examples:
- Helium dimer: aTZ/aTZ MC+ PBE0/AC R = 5.6 Bohr. All energies in Kelvin.
First the SAPT(KS) energies. I.e. second-order energies calculated using the un-coupled approximation. The reference energies don't use density-fitting. Auxiliary basis: aug-cc-pVTZ.
E1elst E1exch E2ind(UC) E2exind(UC) E2disp(UC) E2exdisp(UC) =============================================================================== Ref. -1.82018 12.79049 -0.27725 0.22934 -23.03610 0.65406 Switch = 0 0.32482 12.79195 -0.37673 0.23211 -23.18343 0.67636 Switch = 1 -1.81505 12.79118 -0.27725 0.22929 -23.18343 0.67590 ===============================================================================
The improvement in E1elst and E2ind(UC) and E2exind(UC) is phenomenal! The other energy components are largely unchanged. To improve these you need to increase the size of your auxiliary basis:
E1elst E1exch E2ind(UC) E2exind(UC) E2disp(UC) E2exdisp(UC) =============================================================================== aQZ/Switch=1 -1.81947 12.79028 -0.27725 0.22928 -23.094059 0.65693 ===============================================================================
Using the aug-cc-pVQZ auxiliary basis with switch = 1 gives us energies with the worst-case error of 0.3%.
And now the SAPT(DFT) energies. There is no reference for the second-order energies so I've used our early SAPT(DFT) calculations here.
E1elst E1exch E2ind E2exind E2disp E2exdisp E2int ======================================================================== Ref. Switch = 0 Switch = 1 aQZ. ========================================================================
Auxiliary Basis Sets
MC or DC?
What sort of basis set