List of output files for PATHSAMPLE

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Files PATHSAMPLE creates for input to OPTIM

start.<n> -- coordinate files for the start minima in OPTIM connection-making runs (AMBER and AMH varieties)

input.crd.<n> -- coordinate files for the start minima in COPTIM connection-making runs (CHARMM variety)

finish.<n> -- coordinate files for the end minima in OPTIM connection-making runs (all varieties)

odata.<n> -- OPTIM input file<n> -- files generated by OPTIM for restarting from that point???

Input files that might be provided for a pathsample job

pathdata -- keywords file for pathsample

pathdata.change -- (optional) file read in during pathsample run to change parameters whilst the job is running

odata.start -- OPTIM data file for initial minimization and frequency calc for start file (initial minimum in the start [A or B] state)

start.crd or AMHstart -- coordinates in CHARMM or AMH format, respectively, for the initial start-state minimum

odata.finish -- OPTIM data file for initial minimization and frequency calc for finish file (initial minimum in the finish [B or A] state)

finish.crd or AMHfinish -- coordinates in CHARMM or AMH format, respectively, for the initial finish-state minimum

odata.connect -- OPTIM data file for CONNECT run<n> -- (plus coordinates) input files for minima, created by OPTIM for PATHSAMPLE<n> -- min.ts.min triples with mass-weighted Hessian eigenvalues and structures, created by OPTIM for PATHSAMPLE -- processor addresses for a distributed memory machine -- an OPTIM file from a connect run that connects an A minimum to a B minimum. Used if the initial connected path is created by a single OPTIM job without pathsample. Use in conjunction with pathsample keywords STARTFROMPATH or ADDPATH.


OPTIM.connect.<n> -- output from OPTIM connection-making runs (only kept if COPYOPTIM keyword is present in pathdata) -- file containing info on all the minima in the database. One line per minimum; the line number is the index of that minimum. Each line stores the potential energy, the logarithm of the product of positive mass-weighted Hessian eigenvalues, the order of the point group, the three eigenvalues of the inertia tensor, and (optionally) an order parameter.

min.A, min.B -- files detailing the membership of the A and B states. Each contains the number of minima in that state, followed by the indices of the minima in that state (one per line). -- like but for the transition states. Contains additional info on the connectivity of the TS: two columns for the indices of the connected minima, between the order of the point group and the inertia tensor stuff. No order parameter column.

points.min, points.ts -- unformatted direct access file storing coordinates of the stationary points listed in and, in the same order.

[,min.A,min.B,,points.min,points.ts].fastest -- database containing only the stationary points on the fastest connection of the database (found using a Dijkstra rate-constant analysis.)

[,min.A,min.B,,points.min,points.ts].regrouped -- database after grouping into free energy groups

[,min.A,min.B,,points.min,points.ts].retained -- stationary point data retained after pruning via RETAINSP keyword

[,min.A,min.B,,points.min,points.ts].removed -- stationary point data retained after pruning via REMOVESP keyword


ts.attempts -- records TS where short cut paths have already been attempted -- committor probabilities for the minima -- record of connection attempts already performed

min.done -- record of minima from UNTRAP runs

redopoints -- coordinates of the stationary points on the fastest path found with a Dijkstra analysis, in reverse order (finish to start). 'points'-style xyz format.

stationary.points.pdb -- as for redopoints, but in PDB format for proteins, for CHARMM.

extractedmin.crd -- charmm-formatted coordinates of a minimum extracted from the database using EXTRACTMIN <index> keyword

extractedmin -- plain 'points'-style xyz coordinates of a minimum extracted from the database using EXTRACTMIN <index> keyword

extractedts.crd -- charmm-formatted coordinates of a TS extracted from the database using EXTRACTTS <index> keyword

extractedts -- plain xyz coordinates of a TS extracted from the database using EXTRACTTS <index> keyword

Epath -- Energies of the stationary points on the fastest path from a Dijkstra analysis, as a numbered list in the same order as redopoints (i.e., finish to start)

--mp466 10:31, 8 July 2008 (BST)