Minimizing a structure using OPTIM and AMBER9
For users of AMBER9:
To optimize a geometry you need four (or five, see below) files with names specified in the following list:
1. coords.inpcrd -- file with coordinates in AMBER9 format
2. coords.prmtop -- AMBER9 topology file
3. - file with AMBER9 keywords describing the conditions for molecular dynamics of the studied system, e.g.:
Minimization &cntrl imin=1, maxcyc=1, ncyc=1, igb=2, saltcon=0.2, ntx=1, ntb=0, cut=15.0, rgbmax=12.0, ifswitch=1 /
4. odata -- file with OPTIM keywords specifying method of minimization, convergence criterion, etc. e.g.:
BFGSMIN 1.0D-6 BFGSSTEPS 10000 UPDATES 10 MAXERISE 1.0D-4 AMBER9 coords.inpcrd inpcrd
If file for the starting geometry contains three columns with x, y, z coordinates, respectively, name this file start and change the last line of mentioned above odata file into:
AMBER9 start
You still need to have a coords.inpcrd file in the same directory or OPTIM won't run!
Files coords.inpcrd and coords.prmtop are created by LEaP (program in AMBER package). In the case of coords.prmtop, it is important to use the program to obtain a topology file that is invariant to the permutation of chemically equivalent atoms or groups (see description of