- !/usr/bin/env python
import sys import string
- #
- Edyta Malolepsza #
- David Wales' group, University of Cambridge #
- in case of problems please send email: em427@cam.ac.uk #
- #
- transform path.info into path_all.pdb
- ./path2pdb.py
prmtop = open("coords.prmtop").read() f = string.split(prmtop, "\n")
q0 = f.index("%FLAG POINTERS ") q1 = f.index("%FLAG ATOM_NAME ") q2 = f.index("%FLAG RESIDUE_LABEL ") q3 = f.index("%FLAG RESIDUE_POINTER ")
- names of tables are related to names in prmtop file
atomNumber = int(string.split(f[q0+2])[0])
atomName = [] residueLabel = []
an = 0 line = 0 while (an<atomNumber):
for j in range(20): if (an<atomNumber): an = an+1 atomName.append(f[q1+2+line][j*4:(j+1)*4].strip()) else: break line = line+1
for i in range(q3-q2-2):
for j in range((len(f[q2+2+i])+1)/4): residueLabel.append(string.strip(f[q2+2+i][j*4:4*(j+1)]))
info = open("extractedmin").read() ff = string.split(info, "\n")
xyz = open('points.min.pdb','w')
for i in range(len(ff)/(atomNumber)):
mm = 1 for j in range(atomNumber): x = float(string.split(ff[atomNumber*i+j])[0]) y = float(string.split(ff[atomNumber*i+j])[1]) z = float(string.split(ff[atomNumber*i+j])[2]) if (atomName[j]=='N' and atomName[j+1]=='H'): mm = mm+1 xyz.write("%4s%7d %-4s %-4s%5d%12.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n" % ('ATOM', j+1, atomName[j], residueLabel[mm-1], mm, x, y, z)) else: xyz.write("%4s%7d %-4s %-4s%5d%12.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n" % ('ATOM', j+1, atomName[j], residueLabel[mm-1], mm, x, y, z))
xyz.write("\n") xyz.close()