SuSE 10.3 workstation image
It is time to produce a spec for the next generation of the workstation image. This is to be based on SuSE 10.3 as 11.0 is too new for compiler support. We also considered Ubuntu, but the autoinstall tools for it are not yet good enough.
Have a look at the package lists and edit if needed. If there is a package that you rely on that we have missed out, include it under 'Supported'. Something that you'd like to have but that isn't vital should be put under 'Installed but not supported' to start with. And above all, please check the list of packages to be dropped and make sure we haven't included something you need.
Supported packages
- Intel 10.0 and up
- Portland 7.1 and 7.2
- Pathscale 3.2
- g95 0.91 (March 2008)
- gcc/gfortran 4.2 (SuSE)
- Octave (SuSE)
- perl (SuSE)
- python (SuSE)
- (g)vim (SuSE)
- emacs (SuSE)
- xemacs (SuSE)
Email clients
- Thunderbird 2.0 (SuSE)
- alpine
- MS core fonts
- terminus-font (SuSE)
- dia (SuSE)
- tgif (SuSE)
- xfig (SuSE)
- the GIMP (SuSE)
- inkscape (SuSE)
- Full TeX and LaTeX install (SuSE)
- Kile (SuSE)
- TeXmaker
- PDFlib Lite
Maths libraries
- Intel MKL 10.0 and up
- ACML 4.0
- FFTW3 (untuned, part of SuSE)
- GSL (untuned, part of SuSE)
MPI libraries
- OpenMPI
- OpenOffice (SuSE)
- Gaussian 03 (64-bit only, access control list)
- Mathematica 6.0.3
- environment modules (SuSE)
- Eclipse (SuSE)
- tellico (SuSE)
- rdesktop (SuSE)
- xf4vnc (or another VNC package which supports the GLX extensions it that proves easier)
- liferea (SuSE)
- k3b (or whatever CD burning package looks best)
- gaim (aka pidgin SuSE)
- pdftk (SuSE)
- gnuplot (4.2.2 or newer, not the 4.2.0 that comes with SuSE 10.3. Apparently there's some annoying bug in earlier ones)
- xmgrace
Python modules
- Gary Strangman's python modules
- matplotlib
- numpy
- python-gtk-devel (SuSE)
- Numeric (SuSE)
- bash (SuSE)
- IPython (SuSE)
- tcsh (SuSE)
- nfswatch (This is for the COs)
- xwrits
- xxdiff
- openssh (SuSE)
- Acrobat Reader
- evince (SuSE)
- ggv (SuSE)
- xpdf (SuSE)
- gOpenMol 3.0
- Molden, probably 4.6
- VMD 1.8.6 and 1.8.3 (versioned module)
- xmakemol
- rasmol (SuSE)
Web browsers
- Firefox 2.0 (SuSE)
- lynx (SuSE)
- w3m (SuSE)
Intending to install if possible
- Realplayer (need to check on the licnece)
- meld
Intending to install but not supported
Items in here that involve lots of work may get dropped if we're short of time. If you rely on any of them, move them up to Supported.
- Cambridge Structural Database
- fvwm
Maths libraries
- ATLAS (I am prepared to install the precompiled ATLAS package but cannot tune it for every machine as there is too much variety)
- NAG maths library (as we have a site licence it seems we might as well install it)
- ical (a very old calendar package)
- Dalton (We're prepared to install the binary we have currently got, which we built on Debian several years ago and which has a 2Gb file size limit- this is trivial. If people want a modern binary then this is serious work- I have already spent some time on this and totally failed to come up with a version that passes the test suite)
- R (I think we accidentally dropped this from 10.2 and no one said anything)
- Ekee Latex equation editor
- openbabel
- numarray
Version control
- bzr
- git
- git-svn
- qgit
- svn
- pymol (I'm reserving judgement on this. Previously it wouldn't build with newish gccs but it currently seems very actively maintained)
- xcrsyden (the website has vanished but we have 1.4.1 kicking about)
- babel
- molscript and bobscript
Web browsers
- Opera, possibly. Depends on how much effort it is to keep up with security fixes.
Packages proposed for dropping
- GAMESS-US (We currently only provide source anyway, and it's very old)
- GAMESS-UK (We currently only provide source anyway, and it's very old)
- Javaview (some sort of Mathematica addon of which I have few details. Suspect it was accidentally dropped in 10.2 anyway)
- Intel ifort and icc versions 9.0 and 9.1
- Pathscale 3.1 and earlier (not supported by vendor)
- Portland 7.0 (not supported by vendor)
Email clients
- pine (alpine has superceded pine- it looks the same and supports 8-bit charactersets)
Maths libraries
- Intel MKL 7.2.1 and 9.1
MPI libraries
News reader
- Pan (USENET is dying and the JANET news feed's days are numbered)
- Biopython (on the grounds that only one person ever asked for it and they have left)
- Scientific Python (ditto)
- g3data
- xv (no longer part of SuSE)
- Molmol (this is so old it's difficult to compile on modern Linux- do any of you still use it?)
Packages that have been proposed but cannot be installed
- Skype - having read the licence it appears I can't install it globally- you all have to install your own copy.
- numarray - it compiles OK with gcc 4.2 but fails its test suite really badly, and is not maintained.