CamCASP => Notes => Energy Scan
Energy scan
This is a very high-level module that uses a lot of the lower-level modules. As a consequence, it is easy to break and has a few features.
- Density-fitting
If you have set REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION to TRUE in module DF, then all is well and you don't need to worry about anything. You can call the ENERGY-SCAN module and should get correct results.
However, if you have set REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION to FALSE, things can go wrong. Consider the following example:
MOLECULE water1 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... END MOLECULE water2 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... END SET DF Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 0.0 REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION False End Begin Energy-scan Probe water1 with water2 Energy Overlap Units Bohr Degree Points 5.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 45.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 --- Overlap-file overlap_NOredo End
Here's what happens:
- The molecules are defined and their MOs are consistent with the defined geometry. So far, so good.
- In ENERGY-SCAN, water2 is translated (nothing to worry about that) and rotated, but because REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION is FALSE, the molecular orbitals of water2 are NOT updated. So they are now inconsistent with the molecular geometry.
- At some stage, the DF module is called. This module will make the MOs of both molecules consistent with their geometry before performing the DF. That's good. But notice that the DF has been done for the rotated water2.
- The overlap integrals in the auxiliary basis set (OVRL XAXB) are calculated and, because REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION is FALSE, the DF-INT module (called implicitly) rotates the integrals to be consistent with what it thinks is the DF solution in the original geometry of water2. Only this is false. As the DF for water2 was done not in the original geometry, but the rotated geometry.
- And then the required overlap integrals are calculated by multiplying the DF solution (in rotated geometry) with the OVRL XAXB integrals that have been also rotated. This results in the wrong integrals.
So what is the correct way to do the energy scan if REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION is FALSE?
We must make sure the density-fitting is done in the original, un-rotated (translations don't matter) molecular geometries. To do this, we will make explicit calls to DF while the molecules are in thier original geometries. (The original geometries could be obtained using the EDIT module and the RESTORE command. But if you do that, make sure you reset all translational and rotational information too.) Only then will we make the call to ENERGY-SCAN. Here's the input file:
MOLECULEs defined as before... SET DF Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 0.0 REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION False End Begin DF Molecule water1 Type NN End Begin DF Molecule water2 Type NN End Begin Energy-scan Probe water1 with water2 Energy Overlap Units Bohr Degree Points 5.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 45.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 --- End
That should do it. Notice I used TYPE NN in the DF calls. This is needed at present. --alston 17:36, 30 October 2008 (GMT)