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* Spherical: 2.53362
* Spherical: 2.53362
I.e., a 2.8% error in the spherical case. This error is reflected in the normalization constraints. These are satisfied exactly with the Cartesian auxiliary basis, but the spherical basis results in a normalization constraint of 1.1227 for the occupied x occupied orbital product. This should be exactly one.
I.e., a 2.8% error in the spherical case. This error is reflected in the normalization constraints. These are satisfied exactly with the Cartesian auxiliary basis, but the spherical basis results in a normalization constraint of 1.1227 for the occupied x occupied orbital product. This should be exactly one.
--[[User:am592|alston]] 17:08, 12 May 2009 (BST)

Revision as of 16:08, 12 May 2009

CamCASP => Programming => Auxiliary basis sets

Spherical versus Cartesian GTOs

  • What are the advantages of the two basis types: Spherical and Cartesian?
  • Which one results in more accurate energies and why?

Spherical GTOs:

  1. Smaller in size
  2. More well-defined set of linear equations during DF
  3. Lower accuracy.
  4. Seemingly erratic behaviour in aug-cc-pVnZ series.
  5. Rotations made easy as we have the Wigner rotation matrices.

Cartesian GTOs:

  1. Larger in size
  2. DF equations seem OK.
  3. Higher accuracy of energies
  4. More consistent behaviour of aug-cc-pVnZ series.
  5. Don't have rotation matrices coded, but these have been derived.

Simple example: 1

Here's an example that demonstrates the inadequacy of the spherical GTOs. Consider a 1p1s (yes, in this order) main basis and a single occupied orbital. This would be the px orbital. The space the auxiliary basis needs to span is 1p1s x 1p1s = 1s1p1d. So let us construct this auxiliary basis and perform the DF.

Here's the question: Can the density be exactly fitted using this auxiliary basis?

The answer depends on which basis type is used for the auxiliary basis.

  • Cartesian: The auxiliary basis consists of the following combinations:


 s \ \  x \ \  y \ \  z \ \  x^2  \ \  xy  \ \ xz  \ \  y^2  \ \  yz  \ \  z^2


So the density, <math>x^2</math>, can be exactly described.

  • Spherical: Now the auxiliary basis consists of the functions:


 s \ \   x  \ \   y  \ \  z \ \ \sqrt{3}xy \ \ \sqrt{3}yz \ \ z^2-1/2(x^2+y^2) \ \ \sqrt{3}xz \ \ \sqrt{3}/2(x^2+y^2)    


Amazingly, the density <math>x^2</math> cannot be exactly written as a linear combination of these functions.

Here are the input files for a simple CamCASP calculation that demonstrates this. The example calculates the nuclear integral of the occupied orbital with itself. The exact integral is <math>2.60588</math>, and what we get is:

  • Cartesian: 2.60588
  • Spherical: 2.53362

I.e., a 2.8% error in the spherical case. This error is reflected in the normalization constraints. These are satisfied exactly with the Cartesian auxiliary basis, but the spherical basis results in a normalization constraint of 1.1227 for the occupied x occupied orbital product. This should be exactly one. --alston 17:08, 12 May 2009 (BST)