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These tutorials are under development. Please correct any mistakes you find and, of course, feel free to add more!
These tutorials are under development. Please correct any mistakes you find and, of course, feel free to add more!
* [[Adding a model for PATHSAMPLE]]
* [[List of output files for PATHSAMPLE]]
* [[Using BHINTERP to find minima between two end points]]
* [[Using BHINTERP to find minima between two end points]]
* [[Finding an initial path between two end points (minima)]]
* [[Finding an initial path between two end points (minima)]]
* [[Adding partially finished OPTIM stationary points to a PATHSAMPLE database]]
* [[Optimising a path]]
* [[Optimising a path]]
* [[Calculating rate constants (GT and fastest path)]]
* [[Calculating rate constants (GT and fastest path)]]
* [[Calculating rate constants (SGT, DGT, and SDGT)]]
* [[Removing minima and transition states from the database]]
* [[Removing minima and transition states from the database]]
* [[Relaxing existing minima with new potential and creating new database]]
* [[Relaxing existing transition states with new potential and creating new database]]
* [[If things go wrong...]]
* [[If you lost file min.data, but still you have points.min]]
* [[path.info file is not read, causes PATHSAMPLE to die]]

Latest revision as of 18:16, 13 October 2009