Minimizing a structure using OPTIM and CHARMM
Revision as of 17:38, 4 February 2013 by import>Jmc49
To optimize a geometry you need an input.crd file, as well as odata:
1. input.crd -- file with coordinates in CHARMM'S CARD format
2. odata -- file with OPTIM keywords specifying method of minimization, convergence criterion, etc. e.g.:
BFGSMIN 1.0D-6 BFGSSTEPS 10000 UPDATES 1000 MAXERISE 1.0D-4 ENDHESS (optional, if you want to know the log product of positive Hessian eigenvalues) CHARMMTYPE toph19_eef1_perm.inp param19_eef1_perm.inp CHARMM ... the usual charmm stuff, but making sure that input.crd is the file from which the coordinates are read in, for example: OPEN UNIT 20 NAME input.crd READ CARD ...