Global optimization of biomolecules using AMBER9

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Here you can find examples of input files necessary to work with GMIN:

1. coords.inpcrd -- file with coordinates

2. coords.prmtop -- topology file (see here)

3. -- file with AMBER9 keywords describing the conditions for AMBER minimization of the studied system, however in this particular case AMBER9 calculates only energy of the system, e.g.:

  # Minimization Parameters
     imin   = 1,
     ncyc = 1,
     maxcyc = 1,
     igb = 2, saltcon=0.1,
     ntb    = 0,
     cut = 8.22,
     rgbmax = 8.22,
     ifswitch = 1,

4. -- this file controls conditions for molecular dynamics in AMBER9, e.g.:

  # MD  Paramaters
     imin = 0,
     tempi = 0.0, temp0 = 400.0,
     ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 10.0,
     nstlim = 500, dt = 0.001,
     igb = 2, saltcon = 0.1,   
     ntb = 0,nscm=0,
     ntc = 2,ntf = 2, 
     ntpr = 500, ntwx = 500, ntwr=500, 
     cut = 999.0,
     rgbmax = 8.22,
     ifswitch = 1,

For the MD steps, imin=0, no minisations are performed. and no cutoffs cut = 999.0 should be used.

Also igb=2 means that we are using the 2nd GB models is expected to perform well on proteins.

saltcon=0.2 sets the surrounding (monovalent) salt concentration to 0.2 [mol/L].

tempi = 0 sets the initial temperature temp0 = 400 sets final temperature in Kelvin.

.5ps of MD with a 1.0fs time step is set bynstlim=500, dt=0.001

ntt=3 Langevin dynamics with gamma_ln = 10.0 sets frequency of coupling to heat bath to the collision rate of 10 ps-1

ntpr = 100 Energy output frequency ntwr = 100 Restart file frequency ntwx = 100 Trajectory file frequency

ntb = 0 non-periodic, use cutoff for non-bond

ntc=2, ntf=2, use SHAKE to constrain only H bonds (ntc=2) and omit force evaluations for these bonds (ntf=2).

nrespa=2, take a bigger time stepfor evaluating the slow-varying terms in the force field. In this setting, the time step is equal to nrespa * dt ( 2 * 2 fs = 4 fs.

ntr=1,restraint_wt=30.0, set constraint and strength.

rstraintmask='@N,C,CA', constrain backbone atoms only

5. data -- file with GMIN keywords:

 SLOPPYCONV   1.0D-2              
 TIGHTCONV    1.0D-3              
 UPDATES      8000                
 MAXERISE     0.001                  
 STEPS        100  1.0                  
 STEP         0.00 0.0      
 AMBER9 coords.inpcrd inpcrd          
 MAXIT        10000 10000               
 MAXBFGS      1.0               
 SAVE         100    
 TEMPERATURE  1.0                
 RADIUS       300.0                    

Thats all for the beginning!